Tag Archives: housekeeping

Site Housekeeping: If You’re Reading This, Keep Reading

16 Aug

We’ve recently switched from wordpress.com to a hosted wordpress.com solution.  If you subscribe to our posts via RSS feed, email, etc, there is a non-zero chance you’ve missed this (or thought we just gave up on posting altogether).  If you go to http://www.stonestreetadvisors.com you’ll be able to see all of our recent posts (for now).  If you subscribe to the RSS feed there, you’ll likely have to do so again as we have one more website transition which should happen in the next week or two.

We apologize for the confusion.  If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email.



Stone Street Advisors Weekend Housekeeping – Website Changes

30 Jul

Our resident tech pro Bond Wimp is helping me (aka doing 98% of the work) upgrade the Stone Street Advisors website this weekend.  We’re trying to make it as seamless as possible, but don’t be surprised if things get a little screwy over the next few days.

Thanks for your patience!

Seeking Alpha Corrects, Clarifies “Photo ID” Email

20 May

Yesterday, myself and other Seeking Alpha contributors got a distrubing email informing us that we needed to supply photo ID’s in order to continue.  There was no explanation or anything.  I wrote about it, and some other thoughts about Seeking Alpha in general last night.  Later, they issued an apology and explanation, which I have to say was pretty prompt and informative.  However, it does not change my feelings about Seeking Alpha, nor does it affect my decision to avoid publishing anything on the site.

Continue reading

Housekeeping: Updated Content Sharing/Syndication Policy and Contact Info

12 Apr

As of today we are ceasing all of our automatic syndication and content sharing agreements.  Going-forward, each team member is free to decide what, if any, of their work they’d like to share with other outlets on an ad-hoc basis.  You can read more about our new policy and the rationale behind it here.

Thanks to some help from Bond Wimp and the good folks at Google, we finally got around to setting-up @stonestreetadvisors.com email addresses, instead of the @gmail.com ones we’ve been using up until now.  I’ve updated the contact page accordingly, and will continue to do so as the rest of the team gets their addresses set-up as well.

As I said a few months back, this is just one small part of what you should expect to see from the SSA team in 2011, as we make some serious moves and take this thing to a whole new level.
Stay tuned!

New Names on the Blogroll (Better Late Than Never Edition)

13 Jun

We’d like to welcome the following great sites to the Stone Street Advisors Blogroll.  Keep up the good work!

Mish’s Global Economic Analysis


Deep Thoughts by Professor Pinch

Credit Writedowns


As with all of the other great names in our similarly fantastic blogroll (if we may say so ourselves), we strongly suggest you check out these sites if you haven’t already!